Happy Customers + Motivated Team = Profitable Growth
It’s obvious that the Golf Business has changed forever. Customers’ buying patterns, interest level, and expectations are much different than they were five and especially ten years ago. So the question is:
“What do we do to gain market share, increase profit and thrive…not just survive?"
Happy Customers
Motivated Team
Profitable Growth
How Do You Get Off The Dreaded Slippery Slope, Shift The Vibe & Increase The Bottom Line
The unfortunate truth is that many golf courses will not make it. The number one reason is what we call the "Dreaded Slippery Slope":
Dreaded Slippery Slope
Fixed Costs Go Up, Revenues Go Down
Cust Service, Costs & Quality
Revenues and Reputation Go Down
Cut Service, Costs & Quality
This is the "Dreaded Slippery Slope". Traditional golf course management companies cannot fix the problem because they are the problem. Old, stale and stiff policies and procedures will not make happy customers, motivate your team, and definitely not increase your bottom line. You need to Shift The Vibe & Increase The Bottom Line…
Shifting the Vibe is a Paradigm Process that uses innovation, motivation and real strategy to acquire customers, create fun and friendly culture and separate your property from its competitors.
How We Are Different, The Performance Based Management Fee Structure
Paradigm is different. Our approach is by no means “revolutionary” but is unique to the golf business. Paradigm is prepared to enter into a short-term training, consulting or a simplified management arrangement whereby compensation to the manager is agreed upon a lower monthly fee combined with a performance-based incentive. In other words, a good portion of the management fee is directly related to revenue and profit results, providing the golf course owner with the option to terminate golf club management services in exchange for only reasonable notice instead of the requirement to pay exit fees as a reward for failure to perform – imagine that!
A Golf Course Management Company that is Innovative!
Tired of losing money or failing to increase your bottom line? Concerned about whether or not your club will make it through these difficult economic times in an already saturated industry? Our first objective is to get clarity of your desired outcome, goals and expectations.
It is no coincidence that most of the regional and national golf management companies solicit golf owners for long-term management agreements providing for the highest possible base and incentive management fee structures.
These management companies seek to “lock-in” the rewarding terms and fees without provision for lack of business performance or the willingness to share ownership’s downside associated with poor results. In fact, usually, the only way to terminate their management contracts is by payment of excessive termination fees regardless of ownership’s reasons for the desired termination. Without sensible management expertise options, golf course owners end up continuing with their current strategies and techniques with the hope for better results.
What Paradigm Management Will Do For You.
Examine and critique existing campaigns and strategies
Research and define your ideal customer
Create targeted marketing campaigns
Examine online and electronic marketing efforts and improve SEO, as well as electronic lead generation and database generation.
Create tracking systems to identify and eliminate losers and trim the fat
Exploit buying patterns
Develop creative campaigns that drive traffic
Create consistency of message to insure market recognition
Test/modify, Test/modify, Test/modify…
Eliminate cute, kitschy, catchy programs that sound great but sell like crap