WE CAN HELP760.275.1137

Happy Customers + Motivated Team = Profitable Growth
Paradigm Golf Group is recognized as the leading technical property and operational due diligence expert in the nation. For the past 20 years, we have been retained by golf course and real estate buyers, sellers, equity providers, lenders and CPA firms who understand that front-end due diligence is the primary key to financial success. 

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Paradigm has completed more than 100 comprehensive due diligence assignments where all parties in interest have been protected from the pitfalls associated with lack of effective knowledge regarding their golf properties. Many of these assignments are derived from Paradigm’s long-term relationships with the few prominent national golf lenders along with local market area banks. This is augmented by the company’s recognition by individual property owners of Paradigm Golf Group as a leader in the industry and from its existing networks, which extend into all areas of the industry including golf industry professionals, trade suppliers, specialty golf property brokers, engineers, architects, land planners, attorneys, appraisers and CPA firms are in regular contact with Paradigm identifying industry events and owners in need of professional assistance. Property evaluation is a team effort for Paradigm Golf Group. The entire process is executed with the direct supervision and hands-on participation of Michael Abee and Joseph Dahlstrom (Paradigm founding partners). A formal feasibility study is completed following our initial understanding of the general assignment parameters. This is followed immediately by an in-depth field due to diligence examination by the management team. Paradigm’s ability to quickly address and respond to all aspects of a potential property transaction is enhanced by years of property acquisition and development background. In addition, Paradigm’s facility-level operating and marketing expertise ensures identification of trouble areas often missed by those with fee management background only.
Looking to Purchase or Refinance Golf Course?
Local market demographics, environmental issues, physical property issues, water availability, financial structure, and staffing, as well as revenue and expense considerations are taken into account. In addition, the company has developed centralized state-of-the-art management information, budgetary and financial accounting reporting systems for installation in applicable facilities. This uniform software and hardware application provide consistency in management reports and a vehicle for consolidation of operations results. Centralized reporting allows for comparative financial analysis and cash management economies and efficiencies necessary to the financial administration of the ownership and investment entity. The golf course due diligence team evaluates current and historical operating results, completes a comprehensive financial and operational feasibility analysis and assists owners, investors and lenders with negotiations associated with purchases, sales, and financing of golf property assets. All candidates must possess a significant potential for net income enhancement from superior operations management, improved utilization and strong demographics in the local market area to support elasticity in golf pricing and play volumes. Paradigm Golf Group has found that these due diligence principles reduce internal and external risk and generate returns in excess of typical expectations. This structure also serves to maintain a track record and reputation for Paradigm Golf Group as a high quality, conservative and credible due diligence resource in order to aid it in establishing excellent long-term relationships.

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A Golf Course Management Company that is Innovative!

Tired of losing money or failing to increase your bottom line? Concerned about whether or not your club will make it through these difficult economic times in an already saturated industry? Our first objective is to get clarity of your desired outcome, goals and expectations.

Working with Paradigm is Different!Unique!Simple!

It is no coincidence that most of the regional and national golf management companies solicit golf owners for long-term management agreements providing for the highest possible base and incentive management fee structures.
These management companies seek to “lock-in” the rewarding terms and fees without provision for lack of business performance or the willingness to share ownership’s downside associated with poor results. In fact, usually, the only way to terminate their management contracts is by payment of excessive termination fees regardless of ownership’s reasons for the desired termination. Without sensible management expertise options, golf course owners end up continuing with their current strategies and techniques with the hope for better results.

What Paradigm Management Will Do For You.

  • Examine and critique existing campaigns and strategies
  • Research and define your ideal customer
  • Create targeted marketing campaigns
  • Examine online and electronic marketing efforts and improve SEO, as well as electronic lead generation and database generation.
  • Create tracking systems to identify and eliminate losers and trim the fat
  • Exploit buying patterns
  • Develop creative campaigns that drive traffic
  • Create consistency of message to insure market recognition
  • Test/modify, Test/modify, Test/modify…
  • Eliminate cute, kitschy, catchy programs that sound great but sell like crap
  • Examine your logo
  • Generate your unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Generate leads and selling opportunities.



Paradigm Golf Group

Innovative Golf Course Management
Copyright 2020 - Paradigm Golf Group
219 Avenida Barcelona, San Clemente, CA 92672
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